In 2022, there are many note-taking apps that exist, in fact, while you’re reading this a new app might be on its way. At a time like this, apps like Microsoft Word and Google Docs might not pass, especially when factors like organising notes or recording information on the go come into play. How do […]
We all grew up doing it. You’re sitting in class writing notes like there’s no tomorrow, attempting to get everything down on paper before your brain loses it. All those hand cramps and pages used to find that suddenly you can’t recall anything that you’ve just learnt. The question we need to ask ourselves is: […]
With exams looming and a load of content to revise, active recall leads the way. Questions, mark schemes, flashcards, I’d do it all, but I still felt that I couldn’t bring out the nooks and crannies of my knowledge. Recently, I came across this method called “blurting” that has changed the way I revise. I watched […]